Monday, January 4, 2010

WGT: DVD Dysfunction

Imagine the scene: You arrive home after a harrowing experience at Blockbuster* where the clerks were distracted and a giant bucket of yet-to-be-popped popcorn fell onto your foot from its very sturdy perch on the wire shelves lining the cash registers. You are feeling slightly harassed after all of these inconveniences, and you're ready to settle in to catch up on your very favorite, pseudo-intellectual television drama: Mad Men (please see:

You pop in the DVD, snuggle up on the couch under your new cashmere throw (Thanks, Santa, for spoiling yet another white girl this holiday season), and hit play. Ahh, bliss. Pure, mindless (but still intellectually stimulating!) fun.

But wait...why is Don Draper's mouth moving slower than his words? And why are Peggy's awkward bangs frozen on the screen? What the...??

OH NO. Either the DVD is broken or your DVD player is broken, but something is wrong and there are jagged lines and frozen beehive hairdos all over your t.v. screen. And because you are a white girl about to graduate from four years at an overpriced small liberal arts school and thus have no marketable OR practical skills, you do not know what to do in the case of technological malfunction. And now you'll have to resort to watching Season 2 on your new Macbook Pro. White Girl Tragedy.

*Who even goes to Blockbuster anymore, right? I know. Just use your imagination.

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