Sunday, December 27, 2009

WGT: Laundry Mishaps

Away from the hills of Hollywood, the white girl tragedy can still be heard in the rural landscape of Kentucky. Yesterday, I was going to partake in the WGT tradition of post Christmas shopping and what better friend to accompany me than my J.CREW crewneck lambswool chocolate sweater. 

(J.CREW doesn't have any Asian models; so this will have to do)

As I put on my favorite sweater... seriously favorite sweater, something wasn't right. Where was that perfect fit, the loose but still comfortably tight feeling that made me feel like a hero? The sweater finally enveloped my head and became a part of my very existence, and to my horror I realized the reality of the situation, my favorite sweater, the one that had been with me through thick and thin, the one who helped me become the WGT I am today... had been shrunken to perhaps the size of Husky Boy's Medium. 

WHY ME? I cried into the silent and uncaring closet. You never know how much you loved something until you lose it. I mean one day you are frolicking in the snow with your loved one... and the next day... he is only a shrunken shell of what he used to be... I guess this is just how life works... White Girl Tragedy


  1. wait i can't help but laugh at the photo up top

  2. you should write a WGT post about how J.Crew doesn't have any Asian models (Asian Boy Tragedy?)
