Sunday, December 27, 2009

WGTriumph: A variation on the theme, a respite from tragedy.

Like Paul, I also attempted to partake in some post-xmas shopping yesterday, though I was headed not for JCrew, but for my all-time favorite shopping destination: The Salvation Army.

The trip started out without incident; I feverishly browsed the overstuffed racks, coated my hands in decades of gray dirt from the hangers (one of which snapped into two pieces as I tried in vain to detach it from the rack of clothes--a day in the hazardous life of a thrift-store shopper, I tell you), and eventually made my way to the counter to purchase my armload of goodies. I even got my favorite cashier--a young girl who doesn't speak much English and absolutely always charges me less than I expected to pay. (Why? I have no idea, but I don't ask questions...and I couldn't, anyway, because I am not conversational in Vietnamese.)

Yesterday was a day like every other; two dresses, two sweaters, and two skirts rang up for a grand total of $16.32. Pleased as punch, I left the store with my haul.

When I arrived home, however, I found that one of the dresses I had just purchased--my favorite one, a little blue silky dress with a sweet, Little Women-meets-Little House on the Prairie round collar, was missing from my bag! I looked everywhere,
but it was nowhere to be found--not in my bag, not in my sister's bag, not in my car--HORRORS! So, naturally, I drove back to the store to find it and, naturally (because it is a Salvation Army), the people working there had no idea what I was talking about or where the dress may have gone. They did offer me another discarded dress, however, that was also blue but happened to be approximately size 400 and covered with racing stripes. Luckily, I raced to the dress rack just in time to see an aged hipster picking it up and walking away with it. I cornered her by the children's t-shirts and very nicely explained the situation to her and, perhaps in a fit of holiday spirit or simple kindness, she gave it to me! SUCCESS! TRIUMPHANT WHITE GIRL SUCCESS!

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